A big thank you to you, Jon. It was a memorable experience which was also very appropriate for us in that, like what we wish to do in our new building, it involved people being able to express themselves explicitly in a supportive environment. The simple exercises were provocative and energising at the same time. I am still thinking about this…
Wen Quek – Edward Cullinan Architects
Very interesting, never boring, really stretched me.
Angela Smith – Optima Housing, Customer Service Training Attendee
I found this to be incredibly eye-opening on a personal level.
Hooman Panashmond – IMI plc
I think the lessons of the day will be realised not immediately but in years to come as the trainees mature, they will realise the benefits and lessons of the day. Just like Mr Miyagi from the original Karate Kid film where his student performed mundane chores such as cleaning a car with “Wax on, Wax off” and was secretly preparing him with this unorthodox method. Likewise, with Applied Improvisation the lessons are immediately less tangible, but the skills elicited will prove to being applicable to our clinical work as well as having potential benefits for our personal relationships with colleagues, families and spouses.
Dr Sarby Soorae, North Birmingham VTS Training Program Director