Jon Trevor – Improv Initiative Founder

The Improv Initiative was founded by me, , to provide Applied Improvisation training as a means to develop leadership and teamwork skills.

I am a trainer/facilitator and I also run a company called Let’s Talk.

I am an improviser and Improv teacher.  I run, and perform with, a group called Box of Frogs.

I am a Board member and Certified Practitioner of AIN (the Applied Improvisation Network), an international group of facilitators who use the skills and methods of Improvisation to bring about social, personal, political or organisational change.

I am a certified NLP Premiere Practitioner.

I am passionate about the use of Improv as a powerful tool of transformation.  Improvisation Training for Managers and Improvisation Training for Employees now has a long and documented success record around the world.  I would now like to bring these benefits to the UK

Jon Trevor - Improv Initiative

Jon Trevor
Leadership Trainer & Team Builder


Other things about me you might like to know…

I have features and articles published in The Guardian, Financial Times, The Training Journal, Dive Magazine, Skydive the Mag and I have appeared on Radio 4 amongst other shows.

I am a BHA accredited Humanist Funeral Celebrant.

I am a licensed and experienced skydiver and videographer with over 1,750 skydives in my logbook. I was a UK 8-way Sequential Formation Skydiving Intermediate 2010 National Champion.